@media - High-Noon Shoot Out: Design vs Implementation
This was a bit of light-hearted fun, with two heavyweights standing in opposing corners and trying to convince us their point of view was right.
[the protagonists on the podium]
In The Design Corner - Mr Simon Collison
The Design Manifesto went thus:
- Visual design is not complex engineering
- Design interfaces visually, don't be afraid to take risks
- Reserve the right to veto decisions of technologists
- Think, build & design organically
- Don't pander to personal prefereneces
- Deliver a rich, considered visual experience for all
- Be expressive with web typography
- Layout decisions are the preserve of the designer
- Visual design makes the first impression - respect it!
- Build everything in Flash (not really)
[Evil Drew - New Implementation, New Danger!]
In The Implementation Corner - Mr Drew McLellan
It all started with nxoc01.cern.ch, the very first web server. Drew said we were all implementers, and as such, we needed to know our enemies:
- Fixed width layouts
- Flash for non-media presentation
- (Flash breaks the basic nature of the web when used for anything other than a player for graphics or audio, and each Flash player instance impacts on performance of the browser)
- Text replacement, since text on a web page is a solved problem
- Styled form elements
- Potent GETs
- Controlled heights
- Controlled text size
- Colour schemes and low contrast
- The user agent
- The FOLD - THERE IS NO FOLD since we never know where it's going to be from one browser/user to the next!!
Of course, we all know that life's not so black and white, and at different times, we may have to sit in different camps. So it was a nice way of stimulating some light-hearted debate, but there's definitely no "right" answer on this one!
Yeah lots of fabulous posts to read :-) I'm going to savour these over a glass of wine when I get back from Glastonbury.
It might take me a few days to dry from the rain so I'll have my computer and lots of blog posts to keep me company.
TTFN, Sheila
I'll probably have a few more added by the time you get back from Glasto.
Enjoy the music and the mud!
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